ClothPPO: A Proximal Policy Optimization Enhancing Framework for Robotic Cloth Manipulation with Observation-Aligned Action Spaces.

1East China Normal University, 2The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
IJCAI 2024 Oral

ClothPPO unfold a piece of clothing


Vision-based robotic cloth unfolding has made great progress recently. However, prior works predominantly rely on value learning and have not fully explored policy-based techniques. In this paper, we introduce ClothPPO, a framework that employs a policy gradient algorithm based on actor-critic architecture to enhance a pre-trained model with huge 10^6 action spaces aligned with observation in the task of unfolding clothes. To this end, we redefine the cloth manipulation problem as a partially observable Markov decision process. Inspired by advances in reinforcement learning on the large language model, a supervised pre-training stage is employed to train a baseline model of our policy. In the second stage, the modified Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO) is utilized to guide the supervised model within the proposed observation-aligned action space. By optimizing and updating the strategy, our proposed method increases the garment's surface area for cloth unfolding under the soft-body manipulation task. The experiment shows that our proposed framework can successfully improve the unfolding performance of other methods.



Simulation Experiments

Simulation Experiments

Comparing Performance Before and After PPO Training

Within the same task, ClothPPO displays a more significant improvement in coverage at every step. In the final stage of the pre-train model, the coverage stagnates due to the action being void. The pre-training model approaches reliance on the argmax action selection strategy, thereby limiting its exploration of other potential actions. In contrast, ClothPPO manifests a broader scope for action exploration.

ClothPPO Final Coverage: 94.0%

Pre-Train Final Coverage: 54.6%

ClothPPO Final Coverage: 95.2%

Pre-Train Final Coverage: 65.7%

Generalize to Unseen Cloth Types.

ClothPPO's requisite reward is based on the coverage of the cloth, which is a universal metric applicable to all clothing categories, thereby obviating the need for training individual models for each distinct class of garments. Our experiments demonstrate that ClothPPO, even when exclusively trained on the Shirt task, exhibits excellent performance and adaptability across multiple types of clothing. Notably, ClothPPO's ability to retain high-performance metrics across varying garment types indicates a substantial capacity for generalization. This is crucial for practical applications wherein robots may be tasked to handle a wide array of garments.


Final coverage: 88.49%

Final coverage: 85.84%

Final coverage: 92.72%

Final coverage: 90.05%


Final coverage: 98.01%

Final coverage: 95.45%

Final coverage: 95.14%

Final coverage: 95.53%


Final coverage: 89.76%

Final coverage: 88.92%

Final coverage: 93.04%

Final coverage: 89.65%


Final coverage: 98.22%

Final coverage: 96.75%

Final coverage: 97.49%

Final coverage: 94.99%


  author    = {Libing Yang, Yang Li and Long Chen},
  title     = {ClothPPO: A Proximal Policy Optimization Enhancing Framework for Robotic Cloth Manipulation with Observation-Aligned Action Spaces},
  journal   = {IJCAI},
  year      = {2024}